Research shows that high-quality child care promotes children’s development and learning, while contributing to more stable employment and higher earnings for parents. Pennsylvania should improve access to high-quality child care through strategic policy and investment.
Top Strategies for Success
Providing financial incentives in Child Care Works to ensure an adequate supply of high quality infant and toddler care in all settings.
Meeting or exceeding the 75th percentile of the annual market rate survey for subsidized child care provider reimbursement rates.
Requiring certification of all Family Child Care Providers for compliance with Department of Public Welfare regulations and at minimum annual inspections
Maintaining that special populations of low-income families including, but not limited to, teen parents, children in foster care and sibling care are served without delay.
Reimbursing Keystone STAR 3 and 4 providers with enrollments of at least 10 percent at-risk children (low income, with physical, behavioral or intellectual disabilities, English language learners or involved in the child welfare system) at the full cost of care as participants of Rising STARS.
Encouraging improvements for child care providers to operate more efficiently, including use of shared services and other tools.
Assuring that low-income, working families eligible for child care subsidies wait no longer than 15 days for service.