Pre-K for PA is an initiative of Early Learning in PA. Pennsylvania should increase its commitment to high-quality pre-kindergarten by ensuring every Pennsylvania 3- and 4-year-old has access. Public funding should be in place to support voluntary, publicly funded pre-k for all children living in low and middle income families, English Language Learners as well as children who have physical, behavioral or intellectual disabilities, developmental delays or under the supervision of child welfare agencies or are homeless. Pre-k should be made available in any public and private setting that meets the high-quality standards and are a certified Keystone Stars (3 or 4), NAEYC accreditation, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, or other validated measures of quality based on performance/outputs.

Visit the Pre-K for PA website here for more information.

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Facebook: Pre-K for PA

Facebook: Childhood Begins at Home

Facebook: Thriving PA